Successful nesting of a pair of Grey Herons Ardea cinerea in Kollam, an urban agglomeration in India


  • Pathissery John Sarlin PG and Research Department of Zoology, Fatima Mata National College (Autonomous), Kollam, University of Kerala, India
  • Sancia Morris Institute of Chemical Technology Mumbai, IOC Bhuvneshwar, Odisha, India.
  • Amal Krishnan S Mar Ivanios College (Autonomous), Thiruvananthapuram, India
  • Oygan J PG and Research Department of Zoology, Fatima Mata National College (Autonomous), Kollam, University of Kerala, India
  • Savio Morris Trinity Lyceum, Kollam, India
  • Sandie Morris Kollam Birding Battallion, Kerala, India
  • Polycarp Joseph Kollam Birding Battalion, Kerala, India



The Grey Heron Ardea cinerea is a large wading bird indigenous to temperate areas of Europe, Asia and Africa; it plays a vital role as an environmental indicator due to its status as a top predator in freshwater ecosystems. Despite the presence of numerous heronries in India, breeding records for this species are notably limited. This study reports the first successful urban nesting of the Grey Heron in South Kerala, India. Observations were carried out at Ashtamudi Lake, recognized as a Ramsar Wetland of International Importance, where a pair successfully raised three fledglings on a Samanea saman tree in a busy urban setting. This breeding event, which occurred outside the conventional monsoon season and in an urbanized area, emphasizes the species' adaptability and potential for successful synurbanization. The findings offer insights into the breeding ecology of the Grey Heron, its nesting behaviors in urban environments, and its resilience in the context of human-induced changes.


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How to Cite

Sarlin, P. J., Morris, S., S, A. K., J, O., Morris, S., Morris, S., & Joseph, P. (2025). Successful nesting of a pair of Grey Herons Ardea cinerea in Kollam, an urban agglomeration in India. Biodiversity Observations, 15(1), 50–53.




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