Birds of the Bloemfontein pentad 2905_2610: a review over a 30 year period


  • Dawid H. de Swardt


The Bloemfontein pentad (2905_2610) is one of the nine pentads of the 2926AA quarter degree square used during the SABAP1 survey (1987 -1992) (see Harrison et. al 1992). Before SABAP1, Roos et. al (1985a, b, c) published a series of annotated checklists of the Bloemfontein district based on surveys by the ?Orange Free State Ornithological Society? (now BirdLife Free State) in Mirafra, which also includes the central parts of the city. After SABAP1, Kopij (2001) did several bird counts in the Bloemfontein area (references in Kopij 2001) including an annotated checklist of Navil Hill (Franklins Nature Reserve), and other bird surveys, which were all annotated in a \"Atlas of birds of Bloemfontein\"; he summarized data over a period between July 1993 to June 1998 (dates correct). Anecdotal bird observations of Bloemfontein birds were mostly published in Mirafra under \"sightings of interest\" or as short snippets. These include the first report dates of birds such as Common Starling, Indian Myna, Black-collared Barbet and other bird species. The birds of the 2900_2610 pentad (which includes the Free State National Botanical Gardens and Seven Dams area) were published earlier (de Swardt 2014).


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How to Cite

de Swardt, D. H. (2017). Birds of the Bloemfontein pentad 2905_2610: a review over a 30 year period. Biodiversity Observations, 8, 43: 1 – 17. Retrieved from


