Fine Needle Aspirate Cytology of Breast Lumps a Study of the GSH Breast Clinic


  • Elisheva Sacks
  • Genevieve Learmonth



The cytological results of 2899 fine needle aspirates from 2012 and 2013 from the Groote Schuur Hospital Breast Clinic were compared with the histological results of 1954 corresponding biopsies of the same lesions. On aspiration, a diagnosis of malignancy was made in 516 cases, 504 of which were confirmed histologically. There were 8 false positive cytological diagnoses and 49 false negative diagnoses made. 875 aspirates were categorized as inadequate, a rate of 30.18%. Possible reasons for such a high rate are discussed. Seventy three aspirates were taken from males during this two year period. The average age of patients at the clinic is 45.21 years. The results from this study are compared with previous data from the same clinic. The merits and drawbacks of fine needle aspiration of breast lesions are also discussed.


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