Bank Cormorant chick entangled in fishing line dies after more than 88 hours


  • Kate J Robinson
  • Corlia Meyer
  • Les G Underhill
  • Jordan-Laine Calder


The Bank Cormorant Phalacrocorax neglectus is endemic to southern Africa, breeding along the Namibian and the west coast of South Africa including the Robben Island harbour (Ludynia et al. 2010, Sherley et al. 2011). The species has had an IUCN Red List status of Endangered since 2004 (BirdLife International 2012) after first being classified as Vulnerable in 2000 (Barnes 2000). From 1990 to 2006, over a 16-year period, Kemper et al. (2007) reported a 4.3% annual population decrease. Neither Barnes (2000), Kemper et al. (2007), nor BirdLife International (2012) list entanglements with fishing line as a threat to the species.




How to Cite

Robinson, K. J., Meyer, C., Underhill, L. G., & Calder, J.-L. (2012). Bank Cormorant chick entangled in fishing line dies after more than 88 hours. Biodiversity Observations, 188–194. Retrieved from




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