Assessment of building maintenance projects success factors in Lagos, Nigeria
Building maintenance projects have been characterized by poor quality delivery, which leads to client dissatisfaction. The maintenance contractor’s personnel evolve around the uncertainties that surrounds maintenance decisions, which makes the success of a maintenance project dicey. Hence, this study seeks to identify critical success factors that determine the performance outcome of building maintenance projects in Lagos State, Nigeria. A quantitative research approach was adopted for the study using questionnaires and interviews for data collection. Mean score, ANOVA, and factor analysis was employed for the analysis of the data collected. The findings of the study indicate that the eighteen identified factors can be grouped under six critical success factors named team integration and knowledge transfer, project learning and maintenance methodology, stakeholders’ early project assessment, planning and control, information and communication management within project stakeholders,and quality and risks control. The effective management of these factors will improve building maintenance project’s outcomes in NigeriaDownloads
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Copyright (c) 2017 Olatunji Abiodun Abisuga, Abel Olayinka Ogungbemi, Akinwumi Abodunrin Akinpelu, Olalekan Shamsideen Oshodi

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