The Southern Journal of Engineering Education (SJEE) is a scholarly forum for the publication of original research that is relevant to the international engineering education community. The journal is ‘southern’ in that it values critical perspectives on the unique challenges facing engineering education in South Africa and the Global South. The SJEE is an open-access publication that promotes the development of high-quality scholarship through a supportive peer-review process.

While the journal particularly values empirical investigations, other forms of research (such as papers exploring theoretical perspectives or methodological approaches, review papers, as well as practice-oriented articles) will be considered. Furthermore, while critical perspectives from the Global South are the main interest, papers that deal with wider international or intercultural dimensions, of interest to our readership, could also be appraised for publication. In this sense, the Global South should not be considered in solely geographical terms but as a counterpoint to dominant perspectives from the Global North.

The Southern Journal of Engineering Education is the official journal of the South African Society of Engineering Education (SASEE) -

About the Journal

The Southern Journal of Engineering Education (SJEE) is a scholarly forum for the publication of original research that is relevant to the international engineering education community. The journal is ‘southern’ in that it values critical perspectives on the unique challenges facing engineering education in South Africa and the Global South. The SJEE is an open-access publication that promotes the development of high-quality scholarship through a supportive peer-review process.

While the journal particularly values empirical investigations, other forms of research (such as papers exploring theoretical perspectives or methodological approaches, review papers, as well as practice-oriented articles) will be considered. Furthermore, while critical perspectives from the Global South are the main interest, papers that deal with wider international or intercultural dimensions, of interest to our readership, could also be appraised for publication. In this sense, the Global South should not be considered in solely geographical terms but as a counterpoint to dominant perspectives from the Global North.


Current Issue

Vol. 3 (2024)
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