




Welcome to volume five, issue two of the Journal of African Real Estate Research (JARER). As noted in the editorial of the first issue this year, JARER continues to be a significant medium through which research on African real estate markets is disseminated. We are witnessing an increasing trend in the rate of submissions and the review turnover timing is becoming more encouraging. Our appreciation goes to our reviewers and editorial board who have, despite the unforeseen challenges this year has brough, have dedicated their time and efforts to make this issue possible. We thank the board members of the African Real Estate Society, the Library services at the University of Cape Town, and Managing Editor, Luke Boyle from the Urban Real Estate Research, who has been working diligently in managing the publication process. In addition, we appreciate the support provided by IRES, ERES and Prof. Karl-Werner Schulte and his team from the IREBS at Regensburg University. The special issue focussing on showcasing real estate related research spearheaded by African women is progressing nicely. The special issue has attracted a number of submissions, mostly from new authors, and we are encouraged by the broadening support of the journal that this has demonstrated. Guest editors, Karen Gibler and Geci Karuri-Sebina, have worked tirelessly in coordinating the special issue and providing mentorship to the authors. Most of the articles are in their advanced stages and the issue is on track for publication before June 2021.


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How to Cite

Olaleye, A. (2020). Editorial. Journal of African Real Estate Research, 5(2). https://doi.org/10.15641/jarer.v5i2.1036